Standard Historical Last Updated: Mar 28, 2018 Track Document
ASTM E1671-95a(2012)

Standard Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Cleanliness

Standard Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Cleanliness E1671-95AR12 ASTM|E1671-95AR12|en-US Standard Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Cleanliness Standard new BOS Vol. 04.11 Committee E06
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Significance and Use

Each Facility Rating Scale (see Figs. 1-5) in this classification provides a means to estimate the level of serviceability of a building or facility for one topic of serviceability and to compare that level against the level of any other building or facility.

This classification can be used for comparing how well different buildings or facilities meet a particular requirement for serviceability. It is applicable despite differences such as location, structure, mechanical systems, age, and building shape.

This classification can be used to estimate the following:

Serviceability of an existing facility for uses other than its present use.

Serviceability (potential) of a facility that has been planned but not yet built.

Serviceability (potential) of a facility for which remodeling has been planned.

Use of this classification does not result in building evaluation or diagnosis. Building evaluation or diagnosis generally requires a special expertise in building engineering or technology and the use of instruments, tools, or measurements.

This classification applies only to facilities that are building constructions, or parts thereof. (While this classification may be useful in rating the serviceability of facilities that are not building constructions, such facilities are outside the scope of this classification.)

This classification is not intended for, and is not suitable for, use for regulatory purposes nor for fire hazard assessment nor for fire risk assessment.


1.1 This classification covers pairs of scales for classifying an aspect of the serviceability of an office facility, that is, the capability of an office facility to meet certain possible requirements for cleanliness.

1.2 Within that aspect of serviceability, each pair of scales, shown in Figs. 1-5, are for classifying one topic of serviceability. Each paragraph in an Occupant Requirement Scale (see Figs. 1-5) summarizes one level of serviceability on that topic, which occupants might require. The matching entry in the Facility Rating Scale (see Figs. 1-5) is a translation of the requirement into a description of certain features of a facility which, taken in combination, indicate that the facility is likely to meet that level of required serviceability.

1.3 The entries in the Facility Rating Scale (see Figs. 1-5) are indicative and not comprehensive. They are for quick scanning and rating a facility and not for evaluating or diagnosing it.

1.4 This classification can be used to estimate the level of serviceability of an existing facility. It can also be used to estimate the serviceability of a facility that has been planned but not yet built, such as one for which single-line drawings and outline specifications have been prepared.

1.5 This classification indicates what would cause a facility to be rated at a certain level of serviceability but does not state how to conduct a serviceability rating nor how to assign a serviceability score. That information is found in Practice E1334. The scales in this classification are complimentary to and compatible with Practice E1334. Each requires the other.

FIG. 1 Scale B.4.1 for Exterior and Public Areas

FIG. 1 Scale B.4.1 for Exterior and Public Areas (continued)

FIG. 2 Scale B.4.2 for Office Areas (Interior)

FIG. 3 Scale B.4.3 for Toilets and Washrooms

FIG. 4 Scale B.4.4 for Special Cleaning

FIG. 5 Scale B.4.5 for Waste Disposal for Building

FIG. 5 Scale B.4.5 for Waste Disposal for Building (continued)

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Book of Standards Volume: 04.11
Developed by Subcommittee: E06.25
Pages: 8
DOI: 10.1520/E1671-95AR12
ICS Code: 35.260