Standard Historical Last Updated: Dec 19, 2017 Track Document
ASTM D4489-95(2011)

Standard Practices for Sampling of Waterborne Oils

Standard Practices for Sampling of Waterborne Oils D4489-95R11 ASTM|D4489-95R11|en-US Standard Practices for Sampling of Waterborne Oils Standard new BOS Vol. 11.02 Committee D19
$ 73.00 In stock

Significance and Use

Identification of the source of a spilled oil is established by comparison with known oils selected because of their possible relationship to the spill, that is, potential sources. Generally, the suspected source oils are from pipelines, tanks, etc., and therefore pose little problems in sampling compared to the spilled oil. This practice addresses the sampling of spilled oils in particular, but could be applied to appropriate source situations, for example, a ship's bilge.


1.1 These practices describe the procedures to be used in collecting samples of waterborne oils (see Practice D3415), oil found on adjoining shorelines, or oil-soaked debris, for comparison of oils by spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques, and for elemental analyses.

1.2 Two practices are described. Practice A involves grab sampling macro oil samples. Practice B can be used to sample most types of waterborne oils and is particularly applicable in sampling thin oil films or slicks. Practice selection will be dictated by the physical characteristics and the location of the spilled oil. These two practices are:

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Book of Standards Volume: 11.02
Developed by Subcommittee: D19.06
Pages: 4
DOI: 10.1520/D4489-95R11
ICS Code: 75.040