Standard Historical Last Updated: Dec 31, 2010 Track Document
ASTM D3558-03

Standard Test Methods for Cobalt in Water

Standard Test Methods for Cobalt in Water D3558-03 ASTM|D3558-03|en-US Standard Test Methods for Cobalt in Water Standard new BOS Vol. 11.01 Committee D19
$ 91.00 In stock

Significance and Use

Most waters rarely contain more than trace concentrations of cobalt from natural sources. Although trace amounts of cobalt seem to be essential to the nutrition of some animals, large amounts have pronounced toxic effects on both plant and animal life.


1.1 These test methods cover the determination of dissolved and total recoverable cobalt in water and wastewater by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Three test methods are included as follows:

Concentration RangeSections
Test Method A—Atomic Absorption, Direct0.1 to 10 mg/L7 to 16
Test Method B—Atomic Absorption, Chelation-Extraction10 to 1000 g/L17 to 26
Test Method C—Atomic Absorption, Graphite Furnace5 to 100 g/L27 to 36

1.2 Test Method A has been used successfully with reagent water, potable water, river water, and wastewater. Test Method B has been used successfully with reagent water, potable water, river water, sea water and brine. Test Method C was successfully evaluated in reagent water, artificial seawater, river water, tap water, and a synthetic brine. It is the analyst's responsibility to ensure the validity of these test methods for other matrices.

1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard statements, see 11.7.1, 21.10, and 23.10.

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Book of Standards Volume: 11.01
Developed by Subcommittee: D19.05
Pages: 12
DOI: 10.1520/D3558-03
ICS Code: 13.060.50