Standard Historical Last Updated: Aug 26, 2016 Track Document
ASTM D3049-89(2009)

Standard Test Method for Synthetic Anionic Ingredient by Cationic Titration

Standard Test Method for Synthetic Anionic Ingredient by Cationic Titration D3049-89R09 ASTM|D3049-89R09|en-US Standard Test Method for Synthetic Anionic Ingredient by Cationic Titration Standard new BOS Vol. 15.04 Committee D12
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Significance and Use

This test method offers a means of determining anionic detergents commonly found in laundry, dishwashing, and other cleaning materials. Accurate determination of the anionic active substance is highly important in assessing the cost and effectiveness of such cleaning substances.

This test method is not affected by low molecular weight sulfonates, such as those of toluene and xylene commonly found in detergent formulations, when these substances are present up to 15 weight % of active material.


1.1 This test method covers the determination of the amount of synthetic anionic ingredient in a surfactant by direct titration with a standardized cationic reagent. The test method is a simple and convenient means for the quantitative estimation of the anionic material. The end point is detected by the transfer of a colored complex from an organic solvent phase to an aqueous phase. The colored complex is formed by the addition of a solution of dye to a solution of the anionic surfactant. This complex is soluble in the organic-solvent phase and insoluble in the aqueous phase. When this solution is titrated with a standardized solution of a cationic reagent, the dye is displaced from the colored complex and, being water-soluble, migrates to the aqueous phase. Therefore, a cationic titrating solution that has been standardized against a characterized anionic agent can be used to analyze for other anionics of known molecular mass.

1.2 This test method is applicable to alkylaryl sulfonates, alkyl sulfonates, alkyl sulfates and hydroxy-sulfates, alkylphenol- and fatty alcohol ethoxy-sulfates and dialkylsulfosuccinates. It applies to active materials containing one hydrophilic group per molecule.

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Book of Standards Volume: 15.04
Developed by Subcommittee: D12.12
Pages: 5
DOI: 10.1520/D3049-89R09
ICS Code: 71.100.40