Standard Active Last Updated: Jun 18, 2024 Track Document
ASTM D1440-07(2024)

Standard Test Method for Length and Length Distribution of Cotton Fibers (Array Method)

Standard Test Method for Length and Length Distribution of Cotton Fibers (Array Method) D1440-07R24 ASTM|D1440-07R24|en-US Standard Test Method for Length and Length Distribution of Cotton Fibers (Array Method) Standard new BOS Vol. 07.01 Committee D13
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ASTM International

Significance and Use

5.1 The array method provides objective measurements for determining the fiber length and length distribution in a sample of cotton. The results can be plotted to show the length-weight distribution of all the fibers in the sample. Data obtained from array tests are useful in fiber length research studies, for investigation of changes in fiber length distribution in ginning and mill processing, and for other research purposes.

5.2 Upper quartile length is correlated with, but usually longer than, Fibrograph and 2.5 % span length as defined in Test Method D1447. Judgment must be used in making comparisons between length measures from arrays and measures obtained by other methods, which may be basically different.

5.3 The coefficient of length variation is a measure of length distribution, or nonuniformity of length. Because the fiber weight-length distribution is usually highly skewed, statistical judgments based on the assumption of normality are not justified.

FIG. 1 Combs and Accessories for Arraying Fibers According to Length

Combs and Accessories for Arraying Fibers According to Length

a and c—Banks of combs.

b—Forceps, tips padded with hard leather, for transferring fibers from one set of combs to the other.

d—Depressor for placing fibers in combs.

f—Dissecting needle.

g—Fork for scooping up fiber groups off velvet surface.

h—Aluminum plate covered with velvet cloth.

i—Special rule for measuring length of fiber groups.

k—Smooth plate for placing fibers onto velvet surfaces.

l—Wire rack for holding fiber groups wrapped in papers.

m—Smooth pointed tweezers.

n—Lift for raising combs in place.

o—Rack for holding velvet-covered boards.

p—Velvet-covered boards on which several pulls have been arrayed.

Note 1: Other accessories required for length arraying, not shown above, consist of the following: small whisk broom for cleaning velvet surfaces, one pair of tweezers with smooth round tips, forceps similar to b but having tips padded with rubber for laying groups on velvet surfaces, small papers for wrapping groups of fibers (papers 21/2 in. by 3 in. (62 mm by 75 mm)) with small envelopes for them (21/2 by 41/4 in. (62 mm by 110 mm)), and balances having ranges from 0 mg to 25 mg and 0 mg to 100 mg.

5.4 The array method makes a physical separation of fibers of different lengths. It therefore serves as a standard, or benchmark, with which other methods may be compared and by which their precision and accuracy may be judged.

5.5 Test Method D1440 for testing length and length distribution of cotton fibers (array method) is not commonly used for acceptance testing of commercial shipments.


1.1 This test method covers the determination of the fiber length and length distribution in loose cotton fibers.

Note 1: For another method for measuring fiber length, see Test Method D1447.

1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

1.3 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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Book of Standards Volume: 07.01
Developed by Subcommittee: D13.11
Pages: 6
DOI: 10.1520/D1440-07R24
ICS Code: 59.060.10