Journal Published Online: 01 July 2001
Volume 23, Issue 3

Interlaminar Deformation Along the Cylindrical Surface of a Hole in Laminated Composites—Experimental Analysis by Moiré Interferometry



The deformation along cylindrical surfaces of holes in tensile-loaded specimens was measured using new moiré interferometry techniques. The techniques were developed and validated using an isotropic, homogeneous aluminum specimen. Two composite tensile specimens, fabricated from IM7/5250-4 pre-preg with ply lay-ups of [0°490°4]3s and [+30°230°290°4]3s, were then examined using the new techniques. Circumferential and thickness direction displacement fringe patterns (each 3° wide) were assembled into 90°-wide mosaics around the hole periphery for both composite specimens. Distributions of strain were calculated with high confidence on a sub-ply basis at selected angular locations. The measured strain behavior was complex. Ply-by-ply trends were revealed. Large ply-related variations in the circumferential strain were observed at certain angular locations around the periphery of the holes in both composites. Extremely large ply-by-ply variations of the shear strain were also documented in both composites. Peak values of shear strain approached 30 times the applied far-field axial strain. Residual viscoelastic shearing strains were recorded in regions of large load-induced shearing strains. Large ply-group related variations in the thickness direction strain were observed in the [+30°, were then examined using the new techniques. Circumferential and thickness direction displacement fringe patterns (each 3° wide) were assembled into 90°-wide mosaics around the hole periphery for both composite specimens. Distributions of strain were calculated with high confidence on a sub-ply basis at selected angular locations. The measured strain behavior was complex. Ply-by-ply trends were revealed. Large ply-related variations in the circumferential strain were observed at certain angular locations around the periphery of the holes in both composites. Extremely large ply-by-ply variations of the shear strain were also documented in both composites. Peak values of shear strain approached 30 times the applied far-field axial strain. Residual viscoelastic shearing strains were recorded in regions of large load-induced shearing strains. Large ply-group related variations in the thickness direction strain were observed in the [+30°230°290°4]3s specimen. An important large-scale trend was observed in which the thickness direction strain tended to be more tensile near the outside faces of the laminate than near the mid-ply region.

Author Information

Mollenhauer, DH
AFRL/MLBC, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH
Reifsnider, KL
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
Pages: 11
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: CTR10552J
ISSN: 0884-6804
DOI: 10.1520/CTR10552J