Journal Published Online: 01 December 1987
Volume 9, Issue 4

Study of Matrix Cracking and Delamination in Glass/Epoxy Laminates



This study focused on characterizing matrix cracking and delamination behavior in multidirectional laminates. Static tension and tension-tension fatigue tests were conducted on two different layups. Damage onset, accumulation, and residual properties were measured. Matrix cracking was shown to have a considerable influence on residual stiffness of glass epoxy laminates and could be predicted reasonably well for cracks in 90° plies using a simple shear lag analysis. A fracture mechanics analysis for the strain energy release rate associated with 90° ply matrix crack formation was developed and was shown to correlate the onset of 90° ply cracks in different laminates. The linear degradation of laminate modulus with delamination area, previously observed for graphite epoxy laminates, was predicted for glass epoxy laminates using a simple rule of mixtures analysis. The strain energy release rate associated with edge delamination formation under static and cyclic loading was difficult to analyze because of the presence of several contemporary damage phenomena.

Author Information

Caslini, M
Technological Development Laboratory, Technical Directorate, Gallarate, Italy
Zanotti, C
Technological Development Laboratory, Technical Directorate, Gallarate, Italy
O'Brien, TK
Aerostructures Directorate, U.S. Army Aviation Research and Technology Activity (AVSCOM), NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
Pages: 10
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: CTR10433J
ISSN: 0884-6804
DOI: 10.1520/CTR10433J