Cement, Concrete and Aggregates 1979-2004 Backfile

Cement, Concrete and Aggregates 1979-2004 Backfile

About this journal

Cement, Concrete & Aggregates 1979-2004 Backfile deals with the properties of concrete and its constituent materials (e.g., mechanical properties, durability, and cement). New developments in control testing, evaluation, and standardization of such properties.

NOTE: This journal ceased publication in 2004. The full backfile from 1973-2004 is available for purchase.

Papers Cover:
  • Properties of concrete, hydraulic cement (including portland and blended cement), pozzolans, other admixtures and aggregates
  • Effects of such properties on manufacturing processes, materials, mixtures, curing procedures, and environmental exposure
  • New standard test methods and specifications, proposed revisions to standards, and users' experiences with standards
  • Other topics of scholarly interest concerning the subject materials

Reviews of literature and existing data, technical notes, letters to the editor, discussions of previously published papers and book reviews also appear. All papers peer-reviewed. The official publication of this journal for citation purposes is the online version.

Abstracting & Indexing Information
  • ISI Science Citation Index®
  • Materials Science Index

Editorial Board


Professor R. Doug Hooton, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4

Editorial Board Members

  • Mark G. Alexander, Rondebosch, South Africa
  • Bernard Erlin, Latrobe, PA, USA
  • Fouad H. Fouad, Birmingham, AL, USA
  • Karl Hauser, Dearborn, MI, USA
  • Richard H. Howe, Camp Hill, PA, USA
  • Colin D. Johnston, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • Paul Klieger, Northbrook, IL, USA
  • Richard C. Mielenz, Gates Mills, OH , USA
  • Raymond J. Schutz, Marion, NC, USA

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ASTM no longer accepts submissions to this journal. Please visit Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Journal of Testing and Evaluation or Materials Performance and Characterization to view their scopes and submission guidelines.

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ISSN: 0149-6123