Standard Historical Last Updated: Dec 01, 2015 Track Document
ASTM B682-01(2009)

Standard Specification for Standard Metric Sizes of Electrical Conductors

Standard Specification for Standard Metric Sizes of Electrical Conductors B0682-01R09 ASTM|B0682-01R09|en-US Standard Specification for Standard Metric Sizes of Electrical Conductors Standard new BOS Vol. 02.03 Committee B01
$ 83.00 In stock


This specification prescribes the recommended standard metric sizes of solid round electrical conductors. The standard diameters of metric sizes of wires are preferred numbers calculated in accordance with the conventional mathematical principles. The standard metric size of stranded conductors and equivalent cross-sectional areas shall be designated.


1.1 This specification covers and prescribes the recommended standard metric sizes of solid round electrical conductors.

1.2 This specification prescribes the recommended standard metric size designations of stranded electrical conductors (see Explanatory Note 1).

Note 1—Physical properties, construction requirements, and manufacturing tolerances for specific products should be included in individual product specifications developed in accordance with appropriate sizes in this specification.

1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.

1.3.1 Exceptions For conductor sizes designated by AWG or kcmil, the requirements in SI units have been numerically converted from corresponding values, stated or derived, in inch-pound units. For conductor sizes designated by SI units only, the requirements are stated or derived in SI units. Rounded values appear in Table 1.

TABLE 1 Standard Metric Diameters and Cross-Sectional Areas of Solid Round Wires at 20°C

DiameterCross-Sectional Area
mm (R 20 Series)in.A mm2 in.2AkcmilA
18.00.708 7254.50.394 4502.2
16.00.629 9201.10.311 6396.8
14.00.551 8153.90.238 6303.8
12.50.492 1122.70.190 2242.2
11.20.440 9 98.520.152 7194.4
10.00.393 7 78.540.121 7155.0
9.000.354 3 63.620.098 61125.6
8.000.315 0 50.270.077 91 99.2
7.100.279 5 39.590.061 37 78.14
6.300.248 0 31.170.048 32 61.52
5.600.220 5 24.630.038 18 48.61
5.000.196 9 19.630.030 43 38.75
4.500.177 2 15.900.024 65 31.39
4.000.157 5 12.570.019 48 24.80
3.550.139 8 9.8980.015 34 19.53
3.150.124 0 7.7930.012 08 15.38
2.800.110 2 6.1580.009 54 12.15
2.500.098 4 4.9090.007 61 9.69
2.240.088 2 3.9410.006 11 7.78
2.000.078 7 3.1420.004 87 6.20
1.800.070 9 2.5450.003 94 5.02
1.600.063 0 2.0110.003 12 3.97
1.400.055 1 1.5390.002 39 3.04
1.250.049 2 1.2270.001 90 2.42
1.120.044 1 0.9850.001 53 1.94
1.000.039 4 0.7850.001 22 1.55
0.9000.035 4 0.6360.000 986 1.26
0.8000.031 5 0.5030.000 779 0.992
0.7100.028 0 0.3960.000 614 0.781
0.6300.024 8 0.3120.000 483 0.615
0.5600.022 0 0.2460.000 382 0.486
0.5000.019 7 0.1960.000 304 0.388
0.4500.017 7 0.1590.000 247 0.314
0.4000.015 7 0.1260.000 195 0.248
0.3550.014 0 0.099 00.000 153 0.195
0.3150.012 4 0.077 90.000 121154
0.2800.001 0 0.061 60.000 095 4122
0.2500.009 8 0.049 10.000 076 1 96.9
0.2240.008 8 0.039 40.000 061 1 77.8
0.2000.007 9 0.031 40.000 048 7 62.0
0.1800.007 1 0.025 40.000 039 4 50.2
0.1600.006 3 0.020 10.000 031 2 39.7
0.1400.005 5 0.015 40.000 023 9 30.4
0.1250.004 9 0.012 30.000 019 0 24.2
0.1120.004 4 0.009 850.000 015 3 19.4
0.1000.003 9 0.007 850.000 012 2 15.5
0.0900.003 5 0.006 360.000 009 86 12.6
0.0800.003 1 0.005 030.000 007 79 9.92
0.0710.002 8 0.003 960.000 006 14 7.81
0.0630.002 5 0.003 120.000 004 83 6.15
0.0560.002 2 0.002 460.000 003 82 4.86
0.0500.002 0 0.001 960.000 003 04 3.88
0.045 0.001 77 0.001 590.000 002 47 3.14
0.040 0.001 57 0.001 260.000 001 95 2.48
0.036 0.001 42 0.001 020.000 001 58 2.01
0.032 0.001 26 0.000 8040.000 001 25 1.59
0.028 0.001 10 0.000 6160.000 000 954 1.22
0.025 0.000 98 0.000 4910.000 000 761 0.969
0.022 0.000 88 0.000 3940.000 000 611 0.778
0.020 0 0.000 79 0.000 3140.000 000 487 0.620
0.018 0 0.000 71 0.000 2540.000 000 394 0.502
0.016 0 0.000 63 0.000 2010.000 000 312 0.397
0.014 0 0.000 55 0.000 1540.000 000 239 0.304
0.012 5 0.000 49 0.000 1230.000 000 190 0.242
0.011 2 0.000 44 0.000 0990.000 000 153 0.194
0.010 0 0.000 39 0.000 0790.000 000 122 0.155

A The inch diameters, square inch areas, and circular mil areas are rounded values calculated from the metric diameters.

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Book of Standards Volume: 02.03
Developed by Subcommittee: B01.02
Pages: 5
DOI: 10.1520/B0682-01R09
ICS Code: 29.050