
Design for Additive Manufacturing: Understanding Value - Webinar OnDemand

accredited iacet provider
Price: $49
About the Webinar

AM is one of the most expensive manufacturing methods in the known universe. Therefore, for it to be usable, it must add enough ‘value’ to overcome those high costs. This talk will focus on the main factors that affect AM cost and how these can be transformed into value adding features. It will demonstrate how a basic understanding of the economics of AM can help companies to design parts in a way that truly take advantage of what AM can offer while, at the time, adding enough value to make AM production not only possible, but desirable. It will show real world examples showing how good design for AM practices can transform products that would, otherwise, be uneconomical to produce using AM.

This OnDemand webinar will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this webinar, the attendees will have developed an understanding of:

  • Which AM production factors affect cost the most
  • The thought process that goes behind reducing the effect of these cost factors
  • The ability to use DfAM to aff functional value while, at the same time, decreasing costs

  • Design Engineers
  • Manufacturing Engineers
  • Research Engineers
  • AM Process Engineers
  • AM Managers

All ASTM online courses are available for a 1 year subscription on ASTM's Learning Center for a Single User Only via username/password. Training cannot be shared. For multi-user access and pricing, contact sales here or call 1-877-909-ASTM.

Internet access is required.

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