
American Welding Society Learning | The Science of Nondestructive Testing -- eLearning Course

accredited iacet provider
Price: $235
About the Course

This American Welding Society course describes welding discontinuities and the science and application of visual testing (VT), penetrant testing (PT), magnetic particle testing (MT), radiographic testing (RT), and ultrasonic testing (UT). Topics include discontinuities and their causes, as well as the role of vision, capillary action, magnetism, radiation, and sound in VT, PT, MT, RT and UT respectively.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Differentiate common welding discontinuities
  • Examine the science and application of visual testing (VT), penetrant testing (PT), magnetic particle testing (MT), radiographic testing (RT), and ultrasonic testing (UT)
  • Analyze the causes of common weld discontinuities
  • Discuss the role of vision, capillary action, magnetism, radiation, and sound in VT, PT, MT, RT, and UT, respectively
Course Outline

This course covers:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Nondestructive Testing and Discontinuities
  • Module 2: Common Discontinuities and Their Causes
  • Module 3: The Science of Sight
  • Module 4: How to Perform a Visual Test
  • Module 5: The Science of Capillary Action
  • Module 6: How Capillary Action Works in Penetrant Testing
  • Module 7: The Science of Magnetism
  • Module 8: How Magnetism Works in Magnetic Particle Testing
  • Module 9: The Science of Radiation
  • Module 10: Radiation Safety
  • Module 11: How Radiation Works in Radiographic Testing
  • Module 12: The Science of Sound
  • Module 13: How Sound Works in Ultrasonic Testing


This course is intended for:

  • Students
  • Welding Inspectors
  • Welding Supervisors
  • Welding Quality Control Specialists
CEUs and Certificate

CEU's 0.6 or 6 PDH

Certificate: A certificate is available upon successful completion of the course and an 75% or higher score on the exam.


1 year online subscription for a Single-User Only via username/password. Requires internet access.

For pricing for Multi-User access or for more information, please contact sales here or call 1-877-909-ASTM.
