American Welding Society Learning | WPS/PQR Explained -- eLearning Course
About the Course
Welding procedure specifications (WPS) allow welders to consistently produce welds that meet desired requirements without any rework. However, the nature and use of a WPS, and its supporting procedure qualification record (PQR), are commonly misunderstood. This online course provides a comprehensive overview of these documents in an engaging and easy-to-understand multimedia format.
Topics include: the format and function of a WPS and a PQR; the different types of WPSs; essential and nonessential variables for arc welding, oxyfuel welding , resistance welding and brazing procedure specifications; the procedure qualification process; the information included on a PQR; and common nondestructive and destructive tests.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Take on the various roles of a welding sales representative
- Use standard welding terminology
- Identify and prevent welding safety hazards
- Analyze when personal protective equipment is necessary and use it properly
- Comprehend the AWS shielding gas classification system
- Describe the parts of an electrical circuit, electrical variables, and power source types used in welding
- Explain the basics of typical welding, thermal cutting, brazing, and soldering processes
- Describe the equipment, variables, advantages, and disadvantages inherent to typical welding and cutting processes as well as brazing and soldering
- Read and fill out a WPS and PQR
Course Outline
This course covers:
- Module 1: Introduction to WPSs & PQRs
- Module 2: How to Read a WPS, Pt. I
- Module 3: How to Read a WPS, Pt. II
- Module 4: Procedure Specifications for Oxyfuel Welding, Resistance Welding, and Brazing
- Module 5: PQRs and Qualification Tests
This course is intended for anyone:
- Anyone interested in transitioning to sales in the welding industry
- Anyone preparing to take the Certified Welding Sales Representative (CWSR) exam
- Welding Students, Entry level welders, Welding Sales personnel
CEUs and Certificate
CEU's 0.4 or 4 PDH
Certificate: A certificate is available upon successful completion of the course and an 75% or higher score on the exam.
1 year online subscription for a Single-User Only via username/password. Requires internet access.
For pricing for Multi-User access or for more information, please contact sales here or call 1-877-909-ASTM.