
ASTM D1319 Standard Test Method for Hydrocarbon Types in Liquid Petroleum Products by Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption -- eLearning Course

accredited iacet provider
Price: $174
About the Course

This course covers the determination of hydrocarbon types over the concentration ranges from 5 to 99 volume percent aromatics, 0.3 to 55 volume percent olefins, and 1 to 95 volume percent saturates in petroleum fractions that distill below 315 degrees C. This test method may apply to concentrations outside these ranges, but the precision has not been determined. Samples containing dark-colored components that interfere in reading the chromatographic bands cannot be analyzed.

The course takes approximately 1 hour to complete and includes instructional video content, interactive knowledge checks, and a self-grading quiz. Downloadable resources include a pdf of the standard.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define apparatus and related components, including measurement requirements for adsorption columns.
  • Recognize sampling requirements, including those for sample temperature.
  • Identify procedure for preparation of apparatus.
  • Recall procedure for determination of hydrocarbon types of total aromatics, total olefins, and total saturates in petroleum fractions that distill below 315 °C.
  • Identify procedure for calculating the hydrocarbon types.
  • Recall reporting procedures as outlined in ASTM D1319 .

Anyone who runs the D1319 test method or who needs an understanding of the test method and how it is properly run.

Certificate and CEUs

CEUs: .1 or 1 PDH

Certificate: A certificate is available upon successful completion of the course and an 80% or higher score on the exam.

ASTM Standards Referenced

ASTM D1319


All ASTM online courses are available for a 1-year subscription on ASTM's Learning Center for a Single User Only via username/password. Training cannot be shared. For multi-user access and pricing, contact sales here or call 1-877-909-ASTM.

Internet access is required.

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