
Adjunct to ASTM E11 Regarding Appendix X5. Distribution Analysis of Sieve Openings

Subcommittee E29.01 conducted a study to assess the assumption made in the E11 Technical Requirements that the openings in sieve cloth exhibit a Gaussian normal distribution. At least 100 openings of both the warp and shute were measured from 4 samples of each of 11 sieve designations from 2 different sources. The Shapiro-Wilks test was then used to analyze each of the 88 data sets, which over 95% exhibited distribution normality. Accordingly, this confirms the use of Gaussian normal distribution statistical techniques are valid and appropriate for the development of maximum standard deviation tolerances for sieve cloth openings. This Adjunct includes the measurement data sets, an overview of the measurement technique, and the final data analysis report.

Price: $62.00 (standard not included)
Developed by Committee: E29.01
Stock # : ADJE0011-E-PDF
Pages: 109