Standard Historical Last Updated: Apr 08, 2013 Track Document
ASTM A924/A924M-10a

Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process

Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process A0924_A0924M-10A ASTM|A0924_A0924M-10A|en-US Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process Standard new BOS Vol. 01.06 Committee A05
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This specification covers the general requirements for steel sheet in coils and cut length, metallic-coated on continuous lines by the hot-dip process. This material is intended for applications requiring corrosion resistance. Hot-dip metallic coatings are available in six different types: zinc and zinc-iron alloy, lead-tin alloy, aluminum, aluminum-zinc alloy, zinc-aluminum alloy, and zinc-aluminum-magnesium alloy. Heat analysis shall be made to determine the percentage of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, and other elements specified. Product analysis and coating analysis shall also be done. Mechanical properties shall be determined by tension tests. The following are tests for coating properties: coating weight test and coating bend test. There are two methods that shall be used for coating weight test: weigh-strip-weigh method and X-ray fluorescence method.


1.1 This specification covers the general requirements that, unless otherwise specified in the product specification, apply to steel sheet in coils and cut lengths, metallic-coated on continuous lines by the hot-dip process. The product is intended for applications requiring corrosion resistance. The product specifications contain requirements for specific strength levels, heat resistance, paintability, or formability, or a combination thereof.

1.2 Subject to individual product specification provisions, steel sheet is available as Commercial Steel (CS) Types A, B, and C, Forming Steel (FS), Drawing Steel (DS), Deep Drawing Steel (DDS), Extra Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS), High Temperature Steel (HTS), Structural Steel (SS), and High Strength Low Alloy Steel (HSLAS). Steel sheet is produced with the following metallic coatings. Specific information on each of the following is contained in the individual product specification:

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Book of Standards Volume: 01.06
Developed by Subcommittee: A05.11
Pages: 12
DOI: 10.1520/A0924_A0924M-10A
ICS Code: 25.220.40