SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1968



Historically, the development of any product is closely paralleled by an evolution of specifications and tests. As the use of a product becomes more widespread, specifications for its quality and use originate from the various using agencies. Today, as never before, there is a strong trend toward international standardization of products. This has been brought about by increased and easier flow of information between businesses and governments. This is particularly true of Portland cements. The papers published herein were originally presented at an open session at the ASTM Annual Meeting in Boston, Mass., 29 June 1967. The session was chaired by R. L. Goins, Huron Cement Co., Division of the National Gypsum Co., a member of the sponsoring ASTM Committee C-1 on Cement. J. R. Dise, W. L. Dolch, and F. J. Mardulier discuss important properties of portland cement: consistency, air entrainment, and bleeding, their control and their significance. J. L. Gilliland discusses the differences between ASTM, AASHO, and the Federal specifications for portland cement and the consideration that a manufacturer must give to these differences. B. E. Foster and R. L. Blaine discuss the basis for differing results in the measurement for strength of portland cements due to differences between the ISO and the ASTM test procedures. These papers bring to the workers in the field a further understanding of some of the major problems of portland cement formulation, both from the point of view of manufacturing techniques and the demands of published standards.

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Developed by Committee: C01
Pages: 1–1
DOI: 10.1520/STP48348S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-6796-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-6642-4