SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1984

On the Torsional Stiffness of Rigid Piers Embedded in Isotropic Elastic Soils


This paper develops an approximate expression for the torsional stiffness of a rigid cylindrical pier embedded in an isotropic elastic soil mass. The approximate solution is derived by considering the torsion of a hemispheroidal rigid inclusion embedded in bonded contact with an clastic medium. The expression for the torsional stiffness of the pier is expressed as a function of its length to diameter aspect ratio.

Author Information

Selvadurai, APS
Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: D18
Pages: 49–55
DOI: 10.1520/STP36812S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-4901-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-0207-1