SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1996

Use of SHRP-Developed Testing in QC/QA Programs on Asphalt Concrete for Highway and Airfield Pavements


Present-day test equipment and procedures in quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) programs, based on use of the Marshall and Hveem methods, are essentially limited to verification of the physical composition of the asphalt concrete mix and its compacted density to control and assure that the builder is supplying a product which falls within the constraints defined by the job-mix-formula. They do not answer the essential question as to whether or not the asphalt concrete mix will have the strength properties needed to resist the number and intensity of repeated wheel load applications for which it was designed, both at the as-constructed and the traffic-compacted stages. This paper presents a philosophical discussion of the requirements for an asphalt concrete QC/QA system, using performance-based measures as the criteria. The framework for a performance-based system is described based on use of the Repetitive Simple Shear Test at Constant Height (RSST-CH) for rutting prediction and the Flexural Bending Beam Test (FBBT) for the estimation of fatigue cracking.

Author Information

Harvey, JT
Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Richmond, CA
Vallerga, BA
B. A. Vallerga, Inc., Oakland, CA
Monismith, CL
Civil Engineering and Research Engineer, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: D04
Pages: 94–110
DOI: 10.1520/STP16310S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5344-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-2024-2