MANUAL Published: 2014

Routine Coal and Coke Analysis: Collection, Interpretation, and Use of Analytical Data, 2nd Edition

Editor(s): J. Riley

This new edition is a summary of author Dr. John T. Riley’s knowledge, experience and three decades of work in coal science. This user’s manual is guidance for the use of ASTM coal standards including both setting up the laboratory for the tests and also the training of staff in fuel testing laboratories. With the latest information available on routine coal and coke analysis, discussions of new standards, presentation of revised standards, this manual is the most current and comprehensive resource available to interested engineers and laboratory personnel.

Chapters cover:
• Classification of Coals by Rank
• Microcomponents in Coal
• Sampling
• Coal Testing
• Proximate Analysis
• Ultimate Analysis
• Calculating Coal Analysis from as Determined to Different bases
• Miscellaneous Analysis
• New Developments in Instrumentation for Routine Coal Analysis
• References

Author and Professor Dr. Riley is an active participant of ASTM’s International Committee D05 on Coal and Coke and has conducted funded research in coal and fuel science.

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Developed by Committee: D05
Pages: 152
DOI: 10.1520/MNL57-2ND-EB
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7063-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-7062-9