Journal Published Online: 05 August 2008
Volume 36, Issue 6

High Performance Stucco to Optimize Moisture Management in Wood-Frame Stucco Walls



Stucco or portland cement plaster is widely used in North America as an exterior cladding material for the wood-frame walls. Recent computer-based numerical simulation studies at the National Research Council (NRC) Canada, Institute for Research in Construction (IRC) have indicated that low liquid diffusivity and high water vapor permeability of the stucco material can positively influence the overall moisture management capacity of wood-frame stucco walls. This paper presents the results from experimental and numerical modeling studies carried out at the NRC-IRC on the development of high performance stucco materials and its effect on the overall moisture management capability of wood-frame stucco walls. Liquid water and water vapor transmission properties of several commercial/conventional stucco materials and some newly formulated compositions were measured and compared under laboratory conditions. The experimental results suggest that by appropriate choice of the mix composition, addition of a proper hydrophobic admixture, and using aggregates with a hydrophobic coating, stucco material with lower liquid water diffusivity can be produced without reducing the water vapor permeability. The results from the numerical modeling study show newly developed high performance stucco materials can significantly improve the moisture management capability of wood-frame stucco walls.

Author Information

Mukhopadhyaya, Phalguni
Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Kumaran, Kumar
Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Plescia, Silvio
Technical Research Division, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Lackey, John
Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Normandin, Nicole
Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
van Reenen, David
Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Pages: 10
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE101447
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE101447