SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1988

Factors Influencing Design of Protective Clothing for Pesticide Application


Use of protective clothing while applying pesticides to crops is considered a deterrent to dermal exposure. A design for a protective garment and hood for fruit orchard workers was developed at Utah State University. The prototype was manufactured in Gore-Tex, Saranex-laminated Tyvek, and an experimental composite structure. Workers wore all garments and personal work clothing in a field setting. After wearing the prototype on the job for an average 2-h period, fruit orchard workers evaluated the garment for functional designing qualities, sizing, and styling features. The protective suit was favorably rated. The hood design was found to be inadequate. Specifications for the garment needed length adjustment in the sleeve area and additional ease through shoulders. The hood design needs complete revision. The prototype evaluation suggested that desirable styling features and appropriate sizing characteristics definitely increase wearability potential of protective garments.

Author Information

Fraser, AJ
Clothing, Textiles, and Design, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI
Keeble, VB
Utah State University, Logan, Utah
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: F23
Pages: 565–572
DOI: 10.1520/STP26323S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5058-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1167-7