SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 2000

Wood Condition in the Church of the Transfiguration at the Kizhi Museum


The wooden Church of the Transfiguration was built during 1714 and is unique for its architectural beauty and longevity. It has been exposed to severe climate and mechanical loading conditions during its life, which led to deterioration from weathering, insects, fungi, and human intervention. This paper provides a review of the history of repair and protective measures that have been implemented, and summarizes recent scientific research to document the wood condition in the church. A database was created to incorporate the results of previous studies with current investigations of the quality and condition of each element of the building. A systematic approach to environment and wood condition monitoring was established to assess the durability of the church and to help evaluate the effects of future restoration by providing base-line data.

Author Information

Kozlov, VA
Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Krutov, VI
Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Kisternaya, MV
Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Vahrameeva, TI
State Open-Air Museum “Kizhi”, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: E06
Pages: 41–60
DOI: 10.1520/STP13372S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5415-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-2497-4