SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1997

Comparison of Current Reversal Chronopotentiometry (Crc) And Small Amplitude Cyclic Voltammetry (Sacv) Method To Determine The Long-Term Corrosion Tendency Of Copper-Nickel Alloys in Polluted And Unpolluted Seawater Under Jet-Impingement Conditions


The cyclic current reversal chronopotentiometry (CRC) technique is utilized to determine the long-term corrosion tendency of UNS C70600 and UNS C71500 copper-nickel alloys in sulfide polluted and unpolluted seawater. The CRC results were compared with the corrosion tendency obtained by the modified linear polarization method Small Amplitude Cyclic Voltammetry (SACV) over a long exposure time and the results are in agreement for both C70600 and C715OO alloys. This contradicts the conclusions on the effects of sulfide on copper-nickel alloys by many previous investigators who misinterpreted the sharp active shift in potential as an indication of increase in corrosion rate. For an active/passive alloy such as C71500 a higher amplitude current per cycle is required (e.g. 100 μA/20 seconds) in the CRC method and under jet-impingement conditions, while a lower amplitude current per cycle (e.g. lμA/20 seconds) is required for an alloy that does not exhibit active/passive behavior. The CRC technique was found to be unsuccessful in screening out the long-term corrosion tendency of copper alloys in polluted and unpolluted sea water and under stagnant or stirred conditions (i. e. non-jet-impingement conditions).

Author Information

Reda, MR
Corrosion and Environmental Control Consultant, Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Alhajji, JN
Corrosion and Materials Laboratory, College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: G01
Pages: 143–158
DOI: 10.1520/STP11362S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5358-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-2025-9