Journal Published Online: 10 August 2005
Volume 33, Issue 5

Improvement to X-ray Piping Diagnostic System through Simulation (Measuring Thickness of Piping Containing Rust)



An X-ray piping diagnostic system was developed more than ten years ago. It was used to evaluate old piping in buildings and to calculate the remaining years of functional use. It was originally developed for application to corroded pipes without rust because there was no way of calculating the remaining thickness. However, by using a new simulation code EGS4 it has become possible to calculate the true thickness of steel pipes containing rust and the actual number of years of practical use remaining. Each factor of X-ray radiography was simulated and each absorbed energy was obtained. Using this result, combinations of steel and rust for the same absorbed energy were classified. Experimental measurements of steel thickness were done with about 90 % precision.

Author Information

Kajiwara, G
Institute of Technology, Shimizu Corporation, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Pages: 10
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE12309
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE12309