Journal Published Online: 01 November 1998
Volume 26, Issue 6

Evaluation of Wear Resistance of Snow Plow Blade Cutting Edges Using the Scratch Test Method



The scratch test method was used to evaluate the wear resistance of snow plow blade cutting edges. A testing apparatus peculiar to the in situ scratch test of cutting edges was developed. Experimental results indicated that the scratch hardness correlated better to the wear resistance of cutting edges than did the indentation hardness.

Author Information

Wei, Y
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Nixon, WA
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Shi, Z
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Pages: 5
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JTE12110J
ISSN: 0090-3973
DOI: 10.1520/JTE12110J