Journal Published Online: 01 July 2000
Volume 45, Issue 4

The First Mail Bomb?



A news item in the newspaper, the Evening Star, for the Country, October 18, 1833, probably is the first report of a mail bomb in the United States. It is also likely to be the first defusing of a mail bomb. The device appeared to be extraordinarily sophisticated and would have likely worked had it not been for suspicions of the recipient of the bomb.

Author Information

Burnett, B
Forensic Science Consultants Group, Cardiff, CA
Golubovs, P
Vanguard Residential Contents Appraisals, San Diego, CA
Pages: 2
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JFS14804J
ISSN: 0022-1198
DOI: 10.1520/JFS14804J