Journal Published Online: 01 November 1996
Volume 41, Issue 6

Optical and Digital Techniques for Enhancing Radiographic Anatomy for Identification of Human Remains



Out of a total of more than 300 radiographic identifications made by one of us (JJF), there were 11 cases in which radiologic adjuncts were used because the antemortem radiographs were either miniaturized or because anatomical landmarks could not be clearly discerned. The techniques used included slide projection (two cases), photographic enlargement and enhancement (two cases), digitization (three cases), and digitization with computer enhancement (three cases), commercial digitization (one case). In a 12th case, where identification was made by comparison of antemortem and postmortem film X-rays, the films were digitized as a further evaluation of a commercial system. This is the first reported use of these techniques.

Author Information

Fitzpatrick, JJ
Division of Trauma Radiology, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, IL
Shook, DR
Berks Imaging, Potomac, MD
Kaufman, BL
Carolina Associates in Imaging, Hurbam, NC
Wu, S-J
Motorola Corporation, Chicago, IL
Kirschner, RJ
International Forensic Program, Physicians for Human Rights, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, IL
MacMahon, H
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Levine, LJ
Forensic Sciences Unit, New York State Police, Division Headquarters, Albany, NY
Maples, W
C. A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Charletta, D
Baylor College of Medicine, Humble, TX
Pages: 13
Price: $25.00
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Stock #: JFS14030J
ISSN: 0022-1198
DOI: 10.1520/JFS14030J