Standard Withdrawn, Replaced Replaced By: A1008/A1008M    Last Updated: Dec 31, 2010 Track Document
ASTM A969/A969M-97

Standard Specification for Extra Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS), Sheet, Carbon, Cold-Rolled (Withdrawn 2000)

Standard Specification for Extra Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS), Sheet, Carbon, Cold-Rolled (Withdrawn 2000) A0969_A0969M-97 ASTM|A0969_A0969M-97|en-US Standard Specification for Extra Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS), Sheet, Carbon, Cold-Rolled (Withdrawn 2000) Standard new BOS Vol. 01.03 Committee A01
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1.1 This specification covers cold-rolled carbon extra deep drawing steel (EDDS) sheet, in coils and cut lengths. This material is intended for fabricating identified parts where extremely severe drawing or forming in excess of the abilities of materials covered by Specifications A 620/A 620M or A 963/A 963M may be involved, or when a product essentially free of aging is required.

1.2 This specification is applicable to orders in either inch-pound units (as A 969) or SI units (as A 969M).

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